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It’s time to end the Mommy Wars once and for all! We need more support and less MOM JUDGEMENT.

Mom vs mom. Mom judgement. Ending Mom labels

We have all heard the labels that mothers are given: SAHM, WAHM, Working Mom, Single Mom, PTA Mom, Homeschool Mom, Crunchy Mom, Breastfeeding Mom, Bottle-feeding Mom, Young Mom, Old Mom…I could go on and on, but you get the picture. As moms, we are labeled. Then comes all the “this label vs. this label.” When the whole truth of it is, we are just MOMS. If you are a mother, it doesn’t matter if you stay at home with your kids or work outside the home, YOU WORK! ALL MOMS WORK!

Working Mom Vs. Stay At Home Mom

We don’t need the labels to prove what we do and don’t do. WE WORK HARD EVERYDAY. After all, we are raising humans! What could be harder than that?  24/7 our mind is on our children. Our mental lists of our children’s meals, appts, school, projects, extra-curricular activities and more, is boundless. Our brains are constantly trying to keep up, while our bodies are doing all the physical demands that are needed to raise children. No one knows how hard we work, more than we do.

With those labels, I have had many roles. I have been a SAHM, Working Mom, WAHM, Single Mom, Homeroom Mom, Homeschool Mom, Heart Mom, and more. I cannot say that one job is harder than the other.

Working Mom Vs. Stay At Home Mom Pros and Cons

When I was working outside the home, I felt guilty. On the other hand, we had more financial security, and that felt really nice. Although, I did miss out on some of my children’s milestones. The housework didn’t pile up as much. I had time for me, I even took yoga every day on my lunch break. There were plenty of quiet hours to think and get my work done. I felt accomplished, but my hours with my children always seemed very limited. My children missed me and I really missed them.

As a SAHM, I got to enjoy all the morning cuddles. I didn’t miss anything my children did, that includes tantrums, first-steps, fights, first-words, melt-downs, first cartwheel, the list could go on all day. The housework seemed like a constant battle because we lived in it 24/7. I made all meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our finances were really limited. I never had a minute to myself, that includes bathroom time. But I was raising my children, not paying someone else to do it. I was not doing it for the income, but for the outcome.

Everyone has a different situation. No mother should be labeled for how she chooses to take care of her family. One role does not out-do the other. Regardless of if you work outside the home, or stay home with your children, you are still working because you are a MOM! Moms put their children first. We work tirelessly to provide love and care to our children every single day. The errands, the tantrums, the doctor appts, the cuddles, the emotions…they are still there for EVERY mother to handle.

Being A Mom Is A Full-Time Job

There was a recent study by Welch’s that concluded that moms work the equivalent of 2.5 jobs. That’s not counting any outside job, that is strictly the time it takes in just being a mom. Maybe that explains the constant exhaustion, brain fog, and the desire for just a little time away.

I wouldn’t trade being a mother for anything. Although it is really hard work, it’s also EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted. My children are my happiness. Even when I am knee-deep in laundry, diapers, dishes, and tantrums, I am so very thankful for my children. Before I even decided on what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always KNEW I wanted to be a mother. That transition was never hard for me because it is something I always wanted. Nonetheless, being a mother is constantly demanding my energy, body, mentality, and emotions.

Moms Vs. Moms

Society needs to stop labeling us. We are MOMS and that’s the ONLY label we need. WE ALL WORK HARD! Moms need more support and less MOM judgment. For goodness sake, we already judge ourselves enough on every move we make. Please stop the labels, we don’t need them to make us feel less of ourselves while running this never-ending marathon. We are juggling so much and doing the best we can while living our life, raising our children, and hoping for the best outcome.

So here is to all the Moms out there, you are working hard doing many invisible tasks, and your children love you for it!

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Saturday 3rd of November 2018

[…] ALL MOMS WORK: Ending the “Mom” Labels  […]

Lauren Forsythe

Wednesday 10th of October 2018

I love this post! As a working mom I have experienced the guilt, but I've made me schedule so that I have one week day at home with my son while my husband is at work. This one day is enough to keep me from wanting to be a SAHM. Since you have had both experiences, you brought a great perspective to the discussion!


Sunday 7th of October 2018

This gives me hope that when I get to this point in my life, I will be able to strike the right balance for me and my family :-)


Saturday 6th of October 2018

My sister and I were just talking about this today! Why does we have to be judged by our parenting style and decisions when it doesn’t affect anyone else?! It is crazy how accepted it is for others to pass judgement on parenting


Thursday 4th of October 2018

Thank you so much for sharing your heart in this post. It is so true! We ALL work hard, in everything we do. It is most difficult when you are judged for your "mom label" by family. So thank you for sharing and encouraging all of us, in all stages of life and roles!