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Digital Declutter: 6 Simple Ways To Clear The Digital Clutter

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A simple digital declutter to help you save so time and frustration by decluttering your online life!

Clear the digital clutter and organize your devices, so you can maximize the time you spend in the digital world.


digital declutter of digital devices


If you’re a digital hoarder, it’s time to declutter your online life.

The benefits of doing so are numerous and can be seen in the long term.

The digital world is constantly changing and evolving, which can be both good and bad.

On one hand, it’s great to have access to so much information at our fingertips.

On the other hand, it can be overwhelming to keep up with everything.

This is where doing a digital declutter can be helpful.

Digital decluttering is not just about deleting your social media accounts and unsubscribing from newsletters.

It is about understanding how to use technology in a way that brings more value into your life rather than distracting you from it.

There are many great things that have been made possible with technology, such as instant emails, information at our fingertips, and video chat.

However, just like with everything there can also be drawbacks to be aware of.

Our phones become excessively distracting and hinder our ability to stay present with the people and events around us.

Decluttering your digital life is an important step to take for a more productive and healthy lifestyle.

Online clutter can be just as bad as physical clutter.

There are many ways to declutter your online life.

It’s time to take control of your digital life and try these tips for decluttering your online space.

You will be amazed by how much time you can save once you do a digital clean up of all your digital clutter!

How To Do A Digital Declutter


Digital declutter to clear digital clutter


A digital declutter is basically when you go through all of your digital belongings and get rid of anything that you don’t need or use.

This can be a great way to declutter your life and make it simpler.

If you’re not sure where to start, here is a digital declutter checklist to help you out:

Go through your computer and delete any old files that you don’t need.

As anyone who has ever tried to free up space on their computer knows, old files can quickly take up a lot of space.

Not only that, but they can also slow down your computer’s performance.

That’s why it’s important to periodically go through your computer and delete any old files that you don’t need.

This includes things like old essays, school projects, and work documents.

Although it may be tempting to keep these files “just in case,” the truth is that you’re unlikely to ever need them again.

So get rid of them and free up some space on your computer.

Your future self will thank you.

A cluttered digital space can overwhelm you just as much as clutter at home, and if you work on your computer with different types of files, it can make your working life unproductive too as you can never find what you’re looking for.

Unsubscribe from any email lists that you’re no longer interested in.

We’ve all been there.

You sign up for an email list because you’re interested in the content, but then over time, you lose interest.

But even though you’re no longer interested in the content, you continue to get emails from that list.

This is a waste of time and space in your inbox.

The solution is to unsubscribe from any email lists that you’re no longer interested in.

This will declutter your inbox and make it easier to find the emails that you actually want to read.

You could also take this one more step further by deleting all the emails that no longer interest you, that have been just cluttering up your inbox for however long.

Do a mass search for each company or word that comes to mind, and then delete it!

No saving here… just delete it away!

Digital Clutter From Other Areas

While it’s great to have a digital declutter checklist for your computer, there are also a few other digital spaces where decluttering could serve you well in!

Take it a step further (or 4 steps further) to declutter from these areas!

Delete any unnecessary apps from your phone and computer.

We are quickly becoming a society that is reliant on our phones and computers. And while these devices can make our lives easier in many ways, they can also be a source of clutter.

If you find yourself constantly scrolling through your phone or computer, deleting any apps that you no longer use or need.

This will help to declutter your device and make it easier to find the apps that you actually use.

Go through your social media accounts.

Social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family.

However, it can also be a source of digital clutter.

If you find yourself constantly scrolling through your social media feeds without actually interacting with anyone, it might be time to do a digital declutter.

Start by unfollowing any accounts that you’re no longer interested in.

Then, take a look at your own account and delete any old posts or photos that you no longer need.

This will help to declutter your social media feeds and make them more enjoyable to scroll through.

You may even take a social media break, trust me when I say it feels great!

Get rid of any old photos or videos that you don’t need.

We all have old photos and videos that we don’t need.

Whether they’re from an old phone or a trip that you went on years ago, these files can quickly take up space on our devices.

If you’re looking to declutter your digital life, start by going through your photos and videos and deleting anything that you don’t need.

This will help to free up space on your phone or computer and make it easier to find the files that you actually want to keep.

Clean out your browser history and cookies.

Your browser history and cookies can quickly become cluttered with old websites and outdated information.

In order to do a digital clean up, clearing out your browser history and cookies is a must.

This will help to improve your computer’s performance and protect your privacy.

How To Declutter Digital Clutter

By following these tips, you can help to declutter your digital life and make it more manageable.

If you need more guidance, The Digital Declutter Handbook can walk you through every step to declutter and organize your digital devices.


Digital Declutter Workbook


Taking some time to go through your files and delete anything that you don’t need can be a great way to free up space on your computer and make it easier to find the things that you actually want to keep.

By clearing up your digital clutter, you are being as kind as you can be to your future self.

There will be no need to wade through a mountain of disorganized files to find an important document or a picture from a birthday party two years ago.

In the future, you will be able to locate it in a moment or two.

So don’t be afraid to do a digital declutter!

Your future self will thank you.

If you need some motivation, be sure to read these inspirational decluttering quotes.

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