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How To Organize Passwords & Usernames FREE Printable Password Log

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Easy tips on how to keep track of passwords and store them safely.

A step-by-step guide on how to organize passwords and usernames – what you should and shouldn’t do!

Plus, a free password log printable.


How to organize passwords safely


No one wants to spend their time trying to remember passwords, and even less want to have to worry about someone hacking into their account.

Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to make your password organization process easier – both for yourself and for others.

Check out my top tips for how to organize passwords below!

How To Keep Passwords Organized

Don’t you just hate that you have to enter in a password for just about anything and everything these days?

I know I do.

But it is a necessary evil, unfortunately.

If you want to learn how to organize passwords effectively, and to keep up with all these passwords, there are a few organizational tactics you can use.

For one, you can use a password manager.

This is software that stores all your passwords in an encrypted format.

That way, you only have to remember one master password to access the rest.

There are also physical ways to organize your passwords.

You can write them down in a notebook or on sticky notes and store them in a safe place.

Or, you can save them on your computer or phone in a text document or spreadsheet.

Just make sure to encrypt these files!

Whatever method you choose, just make sure that you have a way to keep track of all your passwords.

Because if you lose just one, it can be a real pain to get it back.


best way to store password organized


How To Organize Passwords Safely – Best Way To Store Passwords

When it comes to passwords, there are a few key things to know on how to keep passwords organized properly.

Choose a method to store your passwords.

This can be on paper, in an emergency binder, or even in a password manager.

Make them accessible in safe places where only you know where they’re at.

One easy tip is to use a password manager.

This can help you keep track of all your passwords in one place – plus, most will generate strong passwords for you, so you don’t have to worry about WeakPasswords123 being hacked.

If you’re not into the idea of storing all your passwords in one spot, consider using a mnemonic device to help you remember them.

For example, you could use the first letter of each word in a memorable phrase to create a password.

Just make sure not to use something that would be easy for someone to guess (like your favorite TV show).

You should also avoid reusing passwords – especially on important accounts like your email or banking.

If one of your passwords is compromised, hackers will try it on other accounts to see if it works.

By using different passwords for each account, you make it much harder for hackers to get into your accounts.

Finally, don’t forget to change your passwords every now and then.

This helps to ensure that even if a hacker does get ahold of your password, it’s not going to be valid for long.

A good rule of thumb is to change your passwords every 3-6 months.

Use A Password Manager

A password manager is a program that stores all your account passwords in an encrypted file on your hard drive.

A password manager can also save you time by automatically filling in your username and password when you visit a website in the future.

Here are a few top-rated password managers:

There are many different types of password managers available, and they vary in price and features.


How to organize passwords


How To Store Passwords Safely On Paper

Now if you don’t trust online password managers, then you need to know how to organize passwords on paper safely. 

Organizing and storing passwords on paper is a good way to keep them safe if you keep them stored in a safe place. 

There are certain steps you need to take in order to make sure that your passwords are not in danger of being stolen.

First, you will need to separate your passwords into different categories – personal, work, etc.

This way it will be easier for you to find the password that you are looking for when you need it.

Second, store the paper with all of your passwords in a safe place where no one can see it or get access to it.

This is important because if someone gets their hands on your paper with all of your passwords, they will have access to everything that they need and can easily steal from you without any consequences.

Password Tracker Printable

Managing passwords can be a hassle, especially if you have a ton of accounts and passwords.

A printable password tracker is an easy way to keep track of all your passwords, without having to remember them.

1) Download the FREE Password Tracker Printable from the Resource Library.

2) Write down all the passwords that you currently use on this sheet of paper in alphabetical order by account name.

3) For each account, write down the username and password on the row next to it.


Free Password Tracker Printable


4) Keep adding new accounts and their usernames and passwords as you make them!

5) To help yourself remember your passwords, add some symbols or patterns so they’re easy to recognize if you forget.

6) Store your password tracker in a very safe place. 

I keep all of my passwords in my In Case Of Emergency Binder, that way if something happens to me, my family can access my important accounts. 

These are a few ways how to organize passwords effectively and safely.

Read on to see what not to do.

Related Post: How To Do A Digital Declutter Of Your Computer and Cellphone 

What You Shouldn’t Do When Organizing Passwords

In today’s online world, it’s important to be aware of the risks of sharing too much personal information.

With just a few clicks, criminals can easily gather enough information to steal your identity or commit other crimes.

That’s why it’s important to avoid using easily guessed words or information like your birthdate or address.

Don’t use the same password for more than one account.

If one account is hacked, all of your accounts are now vulnerable.

Hackers usually try your newly discovered password with your other accounts.

And if they’re the same, well, there goes all your accounts.

Don’t store your passwords in an obvious place, like on your computer desktop or in a text document on your hard drive.

If someone gains access to your device, they can easily find and use your passwords.

Likewise, don’t write your passwords down on a piece of paper, and keep them in your wallet or purse.

This is one of the first places thieves will look when trying to steal your identity.

Don’t make your passwords ones that would be easy to guess. For example, don’t use your birthday or your pet’s name.

In fact, why don’t we just skip anything that can be directly related to you that someone else could guess, shall we?

Don’t share your passwords with anyone.

Even if you trust the person, it’s not worth the risk.

Keep them close to your heart because passwords are there for a reason.

By following these tips, you can help keep your passwords safe and secure – and make them easier to remember.

How To Organize Passwords – What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

Hopefully, these tips have really helped you figure out how to keep up with your passwords.

Remember, you should always have your important passwords accessible in the event of your death

By following these tips of do’s and don’ts for how to keep passwords organized, you can help to keep your passwords – and your accounts – safe and secure.

So take a few minutes to review your passwords and make sure you’re following these best practices.

Your online security – and peace of mind – will thank you for it.

For more online security, check out how to do a digital declutter

Be sure to download the free printable password organizer pdf from the Resource Library, sign up here to have the link and password emailed to you.

Yes, another password to remember. 

Is there a password manager that you use and love to organize your passwords?

Share in a comment below!

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